On behalf of the CEFC 2022 Organizing Committee, we would like to thank you for your effort in participating with this year’s conference. By agreeing to provide your presentation material and registering for the conference, your work will be published and searchable in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Your presentation material will only be made available to conference attendees (i.e. those who have registered for the virtual conference) for a limited period of time, beginning October 24, 2022.
Preparing and Uploading Your Virtual Presentation
Please use the appropriate presentation template available below.
In preparation, the official submission instructions for all presentation types can be found at the link below. Please prepare your presentation NO LATER THAN September 18, 2022 and upload to your assigned session. You will receive a Microsoft OneDrive link where you can upload your presentation video. Links will be sent by this date: September 7th.
Authors Info
Authors of accepted two-page papers presented at CEFC 2022 are invited to submit a four-page (double-column) manuscript for peer review and possible publication in a future issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. The review process will be performed according to the IEEE standards.
Templates and technical instructions for preparing the full papers can be found at this link (https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/tools-for-ieee-authors/ieee-article-templates/). Choose the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics template and Original Research.
Please note that the limit to 4 pages is mandatory: papers exceeding this limit will be desk rejected.
Four-pages full papers must be submitted through the ScholarOne Manuscript Central system (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/magconf-ieee). It is specific for conference papers only. When prompted in the submission window, be sure to include the same paper ID (where prompted) that is associated to the conference paper. For CEFC, this is the Abstract ID assigned by the conference (e.g. 001, 002 …etc.). Also, each author must be registered with the manuscript.